Council on Optometric Practitioner Education
Continuing education (CE) is the primary method used by optometric regulatory boards to promote the continuing competence of licensed optometrists. The Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE) was created by ARBO to accredit continuing education on behalf of optometric licensing boards. COPE utilizes a standardized course submission, together with a standardized Administrator qualification process to fulfill its mission. COPE Accreditation serves the public, regulatory boards and the profession by promoting improvement in competence, performance and patient outcomes.
COPE is committed to advancing the quality and integrity of optometric continuing education by upholding standards of excellence that lead to better patient care and improved health outcomes.
The objectives of the Council on Optometric Practitioner Education (COPE) are:
- To accredit high-quality, competency-based optometric continuing education that addresses practice gaps, enhances professional practice and contributes to positive healthcare outcomes for patients and their communities.
- To establish clear and transparent processes for accreditation of continuing optometric education.
- To ensure the integrity and independence of all accredited continuing optometric education content that promotes evidence-based outcomes.
- To promote culturally competent accredited continuing optometric education.
- To provide a process for continuous quality improvement of COPE Administrators, Accredited Providers, and Reviewers.
- To assist and support regulatory boards by providing a trusted standardized accreditation process that ensures public protection.