2023 ARBO Annual Meeting
ARBO 2023 Annual Meeting
June 18-20, 2023
Hilton Alexandria Old Town Hotel
Alexandria, Virginia (A short metro or water taxi ride to Washington, DC)
Please join us for the 2023 ARBO Annual Member Meeting in Alexandria, Virginia. Members and staff of Regulatory Boards of Optometry in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are invited to attend this important meeting. The ARBO Annual Member Meeting provides an excellent forum for keeping up-to-date with regulatory issues. This is a great opportunity to interact with your regulatory colleagues discussing hot topics and shared concerns in the regulatory community.
Meeting Registration: Complete the delegate registration form to register both voting and non-voting delegates who will be attending the meeting. The registration fee for the 2023 meeting is $550. ARBO Life Members receive a complimentary registration. Non-Members may attend the meeting as observers. The Observer registration fee is $650.
Online Registration: Please register by completing the Online Registration Form
Printable Registration Form: You can also register by completing the Printable Registration Form
Hotel Reservation Information: Rooms are being held at the Hilton Old Town Hotel in Alexandria, Virginia for attendees of the ARBO Annual Meeting at a group rate of $189.00 US (+ taxes and fees) per night (single/double). In order to take advantage of the group rate, you must make your room reservation by Friday, June 2, 2023.
To make, modify or cancel your hotel reservation online please visit Special Hotel Registration Link or for phone reservations call: 703-837-0440 or 1-800-445-8667 and give code ARB to receive the group rate.
Meeting Agenda: Meeting Agenda
Travel Stipends/Scholarship Information:
Member Announcements: